miercuri, 26 septembrie 2012

Seo is not dead, has only evolved

Seo is not dead, has only evolved
Search search engines, in the most simple of details, question internet directories with the objective of discovering the best go with to that question. It is a statistical connection that goes: if look for question is equal to A then come back B such as optimizare seo. The error many create is that they think seo is a exercise restricted to sites and look for sites such as Search search engines. It isn't. Search website optimization includes effective look for search engines that a particular information source access should appear as B.

Matt Owen speaks about how the newest search engines items (Google Spectacles and Search search engines Now) and cellular phone gadgets will provide the "killer strike to SEO". I discover this to be short-sighted and differ with the assumption that solutions such as search engines Now are "not look for in any way, type or form".

At when look for is a three way connections. A "searcher" goes into their question into a look for engine; google consults a information source and profits the best go with. Products such as Search search engines Now will not modify the connections between look for website and information source, they will basically eliminate the need for the browser to be engaged in this deal.

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