sâmbătă, 27 octombrie 2012

Romanian Referees and Sports Betting

Romanian Referees and Sports Betting
It is widely known that there is such a thing as sports betting. In fact, it is a huge industry that generates tremendous amounts of money to the risk takers who play such games. The significant amount of serious wagering on sports events is well documented.

Various sports associations go on to feed this giant industry, such as biletul zilei, and numerous bets are being made on a daily basis. People can bet on who will win or with how many points ahead. Sometimes, bets can become even more complex than that.

The ones who do the betting have always been looking for ways of controlling the score,to the minutest details. Players are known to have been bribed or influenced to play worse than usual in order for the desired team to win. In team sports such as basketball,baseball, football or soccer, it suffices for only one player to be bad on purpose in order to change the game in the other team’s favor.

But the players are not the easiest choice. When it comes to corruption, it is the referees who make it to the top of the list. They have the power to greatly influence the matches they referee and, depending on how complex game regulations are (and, as a rule) they tend to be complex for team sports) they can very easily hide the fact that they are tilting the balance in the favor of a team or another.

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