miercuri, 17 iulie 2013

Eradicate Your Uterine Fibroids

Eradicate Your Uterine Fibroids
uterine fibroids
Schematic drawing of various types of uterine fibroids: a=subserosal fibroids, b=intramural fibroids, c=submucosal fibroid, d=pedunculated submucosal fibroid, e=fibroid in statu nascendi, f=fibroid of the broad ligament
Image courtesy of Wikipedia

How Natural Progesterone Cream Can Shrink Fibroids Naturally.

Uterine fibroids are growths that normally develop within the inside of the uterus. I say “normally” because in some rather rare cases, fibroids can also grow in other areas of the abdomen, predominantly cervical fibroids.

The big issue with uterine fibroids is not their dangerousness as such, since most of these lumps are benign, but how they affect women’s general health.

And, by the same token, they can also have many other detrimental effects on several- if not most areas of women’s lives. Fibroids, their causes and recurrences are still baffling scientists to this day.

And this, despite the ongoing medical research as well as the several forms of treatments such as oral contraceptive to surgery when the lumps grow far too large and put pressure on the nearby organs. This is one of the complications of having a fibroid.

Around 10% of women throughout the world suffer from this gynaecological condition, but women over 50 years old do seem to be more prone to it than younger ones. This said, any woman of childbearing again can at some point in their life develop these uterine growths and endure the many unpleasant symptoms associated with the condition.

It is of course cliché to say that not all women affected by fibroids will develop the same symptoms but there are still a few key signs and symptoms that can help identify whether you are developing uterine fibroids or not.
Signs and Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

The main symptoms you should be looking for if you suspect fibroids are amongst others; heavy and abnormal menstruations, pelvic pain especially during sexual intercourse, difficulties emptying your bladder as well as a change in the urination frequency. Other common symptoms can include constipation and back (especially lower back) pain.
Fibroid Pain

In most cases, the pain experienced is rather dull but if the growths suddenly enlarge and start putting some pressure on the nearby organs, the pain felt by a patient will be very acute. This is also very often the result of the fibroid outgrowing its blood supply.

The sudden acute pain should be taken seriously and a trip to your local hospital, first to get the pain stabilised and second to have the issue medically and thoroughly investigated.
Treatment for Uterine Fibroids

As far as treatments are concerned, fibroids probably fall into the same category as ovarian cysts. Conventional treatment for fibroids are mainly offered to treat the symptoms instead of addressing the real causes that lead to these growths.

Alleviating the symptoms brought on by fibroids is fine but it won’t solve the problem. Contrary to popular belief, fibroids don’t go away on their own. Also, depending on the types of fibroids- indeed, there are several types with different characteristics- each treatment should be adapted to that particular fibroid.

In the case of very large fibroids for instance, surgery is usually necessary. Now, this does not mean that the fibroids will not come back later one but the patient will most certainly get some relief for a while. However, surgery for instance, which is pretty much non invasive these days, remains a short-term form of treatment.
Treating Fibroids Naturally

Now, as the title of this article suggests, we want to take a closer look at NatPro and how this leading brand of natural progesterone cream is helping more and more women eradicate their fibroids swiftly and safely.

The actual concept behind natural progesterone cream is very simple. Since it has now been widely acknowledged by medical research that fibroids are often caused by a hormone imbalance- and more particularly depleted levels of the progesterone hormone- which by the way is essential for a woman’s reproductive to function healthily- then, supplementing the levels is the very logical thing to do.
Supplementing your Progesterone Hormone Levels: The Common Sense Approach

Supplementing progesterone hormone is safe and easy despite what most women assume. The subject of “hormones” in general can be confusing, and unless you’re an expert in this field, it can be hard to know which effects a lack of a particular hormone can have on a person’s body, and have to remedy it without having to go for all sorts of chemical-based medications.

In the case of NatPro, no chemicals are used. The natural progesterone cream we offer is 100% natural and more importantly, it’s bio-identical, meaning that your biological system will receive, store and use it as if it had been produced by the body.

The second advantage of using natural progesterone cream to get rid of fibroids naturally is its unique efficiency. Fibroid sufferers who have been using NatPro have seen their symptoms go away within a matter of months.

Not only have the uterine growth shrunk rapidly but most of the women using natural progesterone cream were able to stop the course of the treatment after a few months without showing any form of recurrence whatsoever.

NatPro natural progesterone cream works long term because its main purpose is to restore a natural hormonal balance so that there is little to no chance for the uterine growth to take root and develop.

Women using natural progesterone to re-balance their hormonal system and avoid getting all kinds of uterine growth are making the right choice and not simply treating or shall we say covering up the symptoms.

Natural Progesterone Cream is No Painkiller But…

NatPro doesn't act as a painkiller even though its effects on the symptoms are similar to those of the painkillers used to provide relief. Instead, with its adaptogenic properties and most importantly, its ability to re balance your whole endocrine system, our brand of progesterone cream offers a long term cure for fibroid sufferers but will also help in preventing fibrotic tissue from developing in the first place as previously mentioned.

Using a cream that contains no additive or added chemical is absolutely necessary if you want to get the best results and NatPro offers just that. The endocrine system is extremely fragile and making sure you're not loading up your biological system with further toxins is the golden rule.

The natural progesterone cream therapy has a standard posology time of around 6 months to begin with. The average daily dosage is between 40 to 60 mg per day depending on the severity of the symptoms.

It’s always best to start with a smaller dosage of 40mg per day for a few weeks and adjust accordingly. Some women with severe symptoms may have to use as much as 100mg a day to start with and then reduce as the symptoms fade away.

One last thing; natural progesterone cream is best applied to softer areas of the skin as it gets absorbed much more easily by the skin. You may apply the cream on the face, neck and breasts for instance, and it's always a good idea to alternate and use several areas of the skin at different times -neck and face in the morning and breasts before bed for instance- to ensure a really effective absorption of the progesterone cream.

If you have uterine fibroids why not try Natural Progesterone.

Useful References



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