marți, 31 iulie 2012

Asa-i cand cresti
Asa-i cand cresti
Dimineata cand ma scol
Bate soarele-n feresti
Insa eu ma simt greoi
Pentru ca asa-i cand cresti!

La scoala mai scriu, mai stau
Ca e bine s-odihnesti
Nimeni nu te intelege
Pentru ca asa-i cand cresti!

Extensii par natural permanente
Extensii par natural permanente
Daca nu ai fost inzestrata cu o podoaba capilara asa cum ti-ai fi dorit, cu siguranta te-ai intrebat cel putin o data cum ar fi sa ai un par foarte lung si bogat si adesea le-ai invidiat pe femeile al caror par atinge talia.

Acum poti apela la extensii par natural pentru a-ti satisface aceasta dorinta, iar ca sa fii sigura ca acestea sunt o solutie pentru tine, este bine sa incepi prin a incerca extensiile clip on, pe care le poti pune si scoate singura. O data ce ai aflat cum te simti cu extensii prinse de parul tau natural, poti opta pentru extensii par natural permanente pentru o schimbare de look completa.

Cum alegi extensiile de par potrivite
Cum alegi extensiile de par potrivite
Ai decis sa faci o schimbare radicala in ceea ce priveste look-ul tau si ai de gand sa apelezi la extensii par natural pentru a realiza ce ti-ai propus.
Inainte de a trece la actiune, trebuie sa te informezi bine cu privire la extensiile de par, deoarece vei afla nu numai ca exista mai multe tipuri dintre care poti alege, ci si ca acestea se aplica in moduri diferite si necesita atentie speciala.
Prin urmare, care sunt tipurile de extensii par natural pentru care poti opta?
In primul rand, exista optiunea extensiilor clip on, care nu sunt permanente si pot fi alegerea ideala pentru inceput, cand te intereseaza mai mult sa vezi daca aceasta metoda de infrumusetare ti se potriveste.

Fifa Online 3 ready for Korea market
Fifa Online 3 ready for Korea market
One of the most important games that have ever been launched Fifa announced that Fifa online 3, jocuri noi is ready to be officialy launched on Korean market.

EA SPORTS™ FIFA Online 3 is coming to Korea. The PC online soccer game based on the world’s best selling sports videogame franchise is set to bring the high quality gameplay synonymous with the EA SPORTS FIFA franchise to Korean gamers and soccer fans. Developed by EA Seoul Studio, and published in Korea by Nexon, the new game is expected to launch in late 2012.

The Korean market is one of the biggest in the world for the producer of Fifa , games company called EA. So it is expected that this latest game will be very well accepted by the Korean market.

Delivering the best next generation technologies from the EA SPORTS FIFA franchise, EA SPORTS FIFA Online 3 offers the most authentic in-game experience ever. Players will experience improved gameplay and strategies, enhanced graphics, the latest rosters, and extensive use of official licenses - including close to 15,000 real world players from 30 leagues and 40 national teams. The new PC online game adds new techniques and features, improved artificial intelligence, enhanced animation and dynamic 5-on-5 multiplayer competition.

Chinese internet users go crazy about online games
Chinese internet users go crazy about online games
This title is something that everybody has expected. The China market is the largest on the world. So on this market the users has going crazy about online games also called jocuri noi .

China’s online games market is huge. Now some of its biggest publishers want to replicate that success in the west. Where does that leave Zynga and Playfish?

So for the biggest companies in the field , such as Zynga and Playfish the chinese market could easily be the most important in the next years.

From casual playthings to massively multi-player online worlds, Chinese game half-year revenue rose 16.9 percent from last year to 23.5 billion yuan ($3.7 billion), according to International Data Corp (via Shanghai Daily), with 71.6 percent earned at home.

The chinese users has discovered lately the online games concept and they are hungry for that ones. Maybe this can be explain cause it is something very new and of course it is free which is fascinating argument for poor chinese.

Chinese internet users go crazy about online games
Chinese internet users go crazy about online games
This title is something that everybody has expected. The China market is the largest on the world. So on this market the users has going crazy about online games also called jocuri noi .

China’s online games market is huge. Now some of its biggest publishers want to replicate that success in the west. Where does that leave Zynga and Playfish?

So for the biggest companies in the field , such as Zynga and Playfish the chinese market could easily be the most important in the next years.

From casual playthings to massively multi-player online worlds, Chinese game half-year revenue rose 16.9 percent from last year to 23.5 billion yuan ($3.7 billion), according to International Data Corp (via Shanghai Daily), with 71.6 percent earned at home.

The chinese users has discovered lately the online games concept and they are hungry for that ones. Maybe this can be explain cause it is something very new and of course it is free which is fascinating argument for poor chinese.

luni, 30 iulie 2012

Turismul electoral practicat cu succes la malul marii
Turismul electoral practicat cu succes la malul marii
Dupa modelul cum e turcul si pistolul, duminica, 29 iulie, in ziua referendumului, primarul Constantei, vestitul Radu Mazare s-a prezentat cu un grup de tinere fotomodele gata, gata sa voteze pe litoralul romanesc.
Prezenta fetelor la evenimentul din statiune, a fost conditionata de participarea la votul impotriva presedintelui suspendat, Traian Basescu. Oare cei care au avut cazare Olimp au avut unde vota si ei cu fete in bikini?
Radu Mazare a venit imbracat intr-un sort de plaja, tricou, slapi in picioare, iar fotomodelele ce-l urmau,in costume de baie. Acesta a indemnat turistii cazati pe malul marii sa vina si ei costumati gata de plaja, „echipati” doar cu buletinul sau cartea de identitate la ei, in conditiile in care in lege se stipuleaza clar, „tinuta decenta”.

Curata siteul tau de continutul slab
Curata siteul tau de continutul slab
Poate continutul curatat prin conceptul nou de “curation” sa te pozitioneze pe primele pozitii in Google?
Da, cu siguranta da daca urmezi o strategie folosita si verificata deja de foarte multi experti in domeniul nou al curatirii continutului numit generic ” curation”. Pentru a va face o idee despre acest aspect si a va stabili o strategie va recomandam sa apelati o firma care va poate oferi consultanta seo .
Pentru a invata acest procedeu de a publica continut curat,pe placul motoarelor de cautare trebuie sa intelegem si sa abordam o anumita strategie.
Trebuie spus ca unele dintre cele mai mari siteuri de pe internet folosesc cu succes aceste tehnici de curation si au rezultate foarte bune . Uitati doua exemple : Huffington Post si Marshable. Ei folosesc aceste tehnici incontinuu pentru a genera cat mai mult continut zilnic pentru siteurile lor.

Cele mai bune site-uri de jocuri online
Cele mai bune site-uri de jocuri online
Tot cautand pe net am gasit sute si mii de siteuri de jocuri noi online care mai de care mai interesante.
Asa ca am decis sa fac un top cu cele care mi-au placut mie cel mai mult si la care am gasit jocuri interesante si structurate diferit dupa anumite nise de interes mai mare sau mai mic.
La siteuri de jocuri generalista va recomand cu caldura un site nou de jocuri noi online care are cateva jocuri atatde proaspete incat nu le veti gasi in foarte multe locuri. Acest site iti permite , daca iti creezi cont sa iti memorezi stadiul de evolutie al jocului astfel incat sa il reiei de unde ai ramas . Mi-a placut foarte mult lucrul acesta.
Un alt site interesant care mi-a sarit in ochi este , acest site va ofera totul despre jocurile de pe Facebook . veti gasi noutati, tutoriale, tricks si tot felul de strategii care va vor ajuta sa jucati mai bine si cu spor mai mare. Trebuie precizat ca acest site va ofera cel putin 2-3 articole noi pe zi, deci este updatat foarte frecvent.

Extensii par natural – ia o decizie informata
Extensii par natural – ia o decizie informata
Inainte de a lua orice decizie care are legatura directa cu tine, trebuie sa te informezi bine cu privire la toate aspectele. Acest lucru se aplica si in cazul deciziilor legate de aspectul tau fizic.
Spre exemplu, daca iti doresti de mult sa ai un par lung si frumos si in sfarsit ai decis sa apelezi la extensii par natural, trebuie sa te asiguri mai intai ca stii exact ce implica procesul de lipire sau atasare a meselor de par remy de podoaba ta capilara. Iata lucrurile cele mai importante pe care trebuie sa le stii inaintea de a decide daca aceste extensii par natural sunt cea mai buna optiune pentru tine:
In primul rand, afla ca poti alege dintre mai multe tipuri de extensii par natural. Daca inca nu esti hotarata cu privire la aceasta schimbare, poate ca ar fi mai indicat sa incerci, pentru inceput, extensiile clip on. Aceste extensii sunt foarte avantajoase deoarece se aplica foarte usor acasa, cu ajutorul unei prietene care trebuie sa urmeze un set de instructiuni simple, si pot fi indepartate seara, inainte de culcare.

Top ten social purpose games
Top ten social purpose games
I have decided to publish here a top ten games that has a social purpose only , these kind of games also called Jocuri noi.

Game designer Jane McGonigal firmly believes that video games are not just about mashing buttons and getting to the next level. This lady talks in a big international conference about games as a treatment for depression and other clinical problems that humans can have.

She also specified that free online games can help people heal from injuries and get better wellness in almost any disease.

In her classic TEDTalk “Gaming can make a better world” McGonigal pointed out that online games like World of Warcraft inspire people to think like heroes. But are there other games out there like SuperBetter, which are created for a specific social good? After the jump, many more examples.

So let's see some of these games that Jane consider to have a clinical effect on their players.

Free Scrabble Flash Cubes Online
Free Scrabble Flash Cubes Online
f you have a little spare time to enjoy yourself , you can always try some free flash online games online also called Jocuri noi. There are plenty of websites that provide you any type of flash online games that you will surely like.

You can find car games, action games, your favourite characters games, even ninja games and so on.

If you have a small budget for buying a present for somebody you care for you should also think about a beutiful game that will bring joy and happiness in their lifes. In case you are currently finding and choosing the best gift for the whole family, there are plenty of selections of game you can find in any toy store. However, it is highly recommended that you find a game which might be played by everyone members.

I must consider to point you to a beautiful game that all of us has played at least once , it is a scrabble game online .

duminică, 29 iulie 2012

Unul dintre brandurile din portofoliul CHANTAL pe care vi-l prezentam incantate este ResultWear, unul dintre cele mai inovative branduri de imbracaminte ale momentului.

Ne-am indragostit de rochia corset ResultWear iar motivele sunt cat se poate de “intime”.

Fondat de designerul Kiana Anvaripour, ResultWear foloseste un material textil obtinut printr-o tehnologie inovativa ce sculpteaza trupul si lasa pielea sa respire.
Piesele ResultWear imbratiseaza trupul modelandu-l intr-o silueta de clepsidra indiferent de masuri.

Rochia corset Marilyn nu are cusaturi vizibile si creeaza o silueta clepsidra datorita benzilor plasate strategic, cu menirea clara de a accentua talia, netezind abdomenul si soldurile.

Cum obtinem look-ul Rock Chic?
Cum obtinem look-ul Rock Chic?
O fashionista isi poate transforma, printr-un accesoriu orice tinuta. Adaugam un colier oversized, un inel masiv sau o pereche senzationala de pantofi colorati.

Pentru acelea dintre voi carora le place sa se joace cu piesele vestimentare si accesorii,CHANTAL propune astazi un look Rock Chic!

Una dintre piesele de rezistenta ale acestei tinute este topul din matase Hale Bob, cu imprimeu snake in nuante de turquoise si negru. Combina-l cu o pereche de jeansi skinny de la 7 for All Mankind si completeaza imaginea de “good girl gone bad” urcandu-te pe platformele Hathaway de la Jeffrey Campbell din piele lacuita si piele intoarsa, intr-un mix de efect.

Incaltamintea Jeffrey Campbell
Incaltamintea Jeffrey Campbell
Pentru ca CHANTAL se concentreaza sa aduca cele mai in tendinte branduri, acesta este motivul pentru care Jeffrey Campbell, unul dintre cele mai iconice branduri de streetwear, face parte din portofoliul nostru.

Jeffrey Campbell Shoes a fost fondat in 2000 in Los Angeles USA si, din acel moment, inoveaza sezon de sezon cu modele noi si surprinzatoare cucerind iubitoarele de moda din intreaga lume. Fashionistele din Romania nu au facut exceptie iar Chantal, inca de la deschiderea magazinului, v-a facut cunostinta cu Jeffrey Campbell.

Sloganul “…Because you are Jeffrey Campbell”, vine ca o promisiune din partea brandului ca vor veni, sezon de sezon, cu modele ce au ca sursa principala de inspiratie moda strazii, bloggeritele de moda, proprietarii de boutique-uri cu piese cool si fashionistele din intreaga lume. Pentru ca voi sunteti echipa de designeri JC!

London olympics games on your laptop, tablet or smartphone
London olympics games on your laptop, tablet or smartphone
You can watch London olympics gams on your laptop, tablet or smartphone at any time with a techique also called Jocuri noi

You can find the 5 ways of watching the Olympics here.

London 2012 Olympic Games Live for FREE at NBC Live streaming events plus replays in HD quality Olympics Live : London 2012 Olympics Are you May looking for Watch London Olympic Games 2012 Live Online Stream Free. Million people will enjoy it all over the world from TV set or in online live stream. Can you imagine how much enjoyable will it be? Are you ready?

Visit the page listed above to see how easy it becomes nowadays to be up to date with the latest results on the real time from tha major event as Olympics .

An opening ceremony from the mother country with a Beatle, a queen and Mr. Bean proved irresistible for viewers in the United States, with a record-setting 40.7 million people watching NBC's first night of summer Olympics coverage.

London olympics games on your laptop, tablet or smartphone
London olympics games on your laptop, tablet or smartphone
You can watch London olympics gams on your laptop, tablet or smartphone at any time with a techique also called Jocuri noi

You can find the 5 ways of watching the Olympics here.

London 2012 Olympic Games Live for FREE at NBC Live streaming events plus replays in HD quality Olympics Live : London 2012 Olympics Are you May looking for Watch London Olympic Games 2012 Live Online Stream Free. Million people will enjoy it all over the world from TV set or in online live stream. Can you imagine how much enjoyable will it be? Are you ready?

Visit the page listed above to see how easy it becomes nowadays to be up to date with the latest results on the real time from tha major event as Olympics .

An opening ceremony from the mother country with a Beatle, a queen and Mr. Bean proved irresistible for viewers in the United States, with a record-setting 40.7 million people watching NBC's first night of summer Olympics coverage.

You can follow London Olympics Online
You can follow London Olympics Online
The era of high technology has stroked even the ancient event that Olympics games, also called Jocuri noi, are.

It would take you almost five solid months -- without sleeping or bathroom breaks -- to watch every sporting event at this year's Summer Olympics. More than 3,500 hours of competition from London will be crammed into just 17 days.

In the past, people had to settle for watching the delayed, edited bits broadcast on TV or websites, but technology and viewing habits have changed. This year, 40% of people plan to follow the games on more than one device, with 35% checking in on their tablets and 27% using their smartphone, according to a new study by Harris Interactive.

GameTakko has launched a online game for Syrian refugees
GameTakko has launched a online game for Syrian refugees
You see that even online games industry also called jocuri noi has an powerfull social impact. So GameTakko company launches an online game to benefit Syrian refugees. This game called Kubba, Saudi game has the role to assist donation to Syrian refugees.

The goal of Kubba, an online Flash-based game, is to successfully run a stand that serves the popular Levantine dish made of ground meat covered in fried bulgar. You must cook the kubba but not overcook it, and continue to upgrade the store to better serve your market.

"This is our way of trying to give back to the community, and demonstrate social responsibility," says founder Abdullah Hamed. "We're doing it the way that we know best, through games. We wanted to create a game inspired by a Syrian dish. Any profit that we get will go completely to charity."

vineri, 27 iulie 2012

Star Storage will invest EUR 4 million into a data center in Cluj
Star Storage will invest EUR 4 million into a data center in Cluj
Star Storage, provider of data management and protection solutions, announced it will invest EUR 4 million into a data center that will be opened in the Tetarom 3 industrial park in Jucu, Cluj county, according to Mediafax newswire.

The company will serve clients from the financial- banking and energy sectors, which have enters in Frankfurt and Western Europe, said Catalin Paunescu, GM of the company.

The implementation of the project involved private investors as well as the North-West Development Agency, the Technical University in Cluj-Napoca and the Cluj County Council.

Great Big War Game 1.0.4
Great Big War Game 1.0.4
Great Big War Game 1.0.4 What’s in this Great Big War Game 1.0.4

Fixed a crash in Jelly Bean (4.1) when returning back to the game with jocuri noi.
Fixed various issues regarding soft keyboard input.
Added functionality to replay any of the completed campaign missions.
Great Big War Game 1.0.4, The generalissimo is back, causing more mayhem than ever! A tap and swipe turn-based strategy game with a huge sense of humor, featuring funny cartoon military units set in a stunning fictional world. “Great Big War Game” is the much anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed “Great Little War Game”. (See what we did there?) With a greatly expanded single player campaign, brand new online multiplayer and a whole raft of other cool new stuff, there’s plenty to please that 2.5 million strong player base. New to the brand? Don’t worry – there’s a full in-game manual and good tutorials to ease you in. If you missed the original game, you can still play this one and find out where all those 5 star reviews came from. NOTE: By purchasing this game, you agree to hold Rubicon harmless for any loss of sleep, drop in work productivity, poor school attendance, family break downs, melted cellphones or medical claims of “addict’s finger”. Core Features: Announces That it is Now on a Public Beta Announces That it is Now on a Public Beta
The website, which features a wide variety of 2 player games, has also recently secured an angel investment round., a website that features a huge variety of 2 player games, has just gone on a public beta.

Up until recently, the site, which aims to have the biggest collection of 2 player games online, also called jocuri noi , has been in closed beta. This news means that more people than ever will now have access to the website’s vast selection of games, including the millions of kids who are currently on summer vacation.

In addition, secures an angel investing round, and it has also had a new interactive character logo created for the site. The angel investment round will allow the website to work on developing 2 player games as well as making multiplayer games.

The website, which was founded at the beginning of this year, features the best and most popular two player games online. Fans of games are welcome to browse through the extensive collection at any time to find games to play with their friends or family members.

For example, the 2 player games host and developer features well-known game titles like Bubble Struggle, Bad Ice Cream, Fireboy and Watergirl, and the classic Tank Trouble. The website has also developed titles like Penguin Smasher and more.

Using the website is easy and enjoyable. The home page features a listing of Random Games as well as the New 2 Player Games that are available. Handy category tabs at the top of the page will help fans of online games find the specific type of 2 player game they are looking for quickly and easily. Choices include Adventure, Car, Fighting, Kids, Sports and more.

Each game includes a description and detailed instructions. For example, Fireboy and Watergirl Episode 2, one of the new games on the site, is the second episode of the popular game and is titled The Light Temple.

Technology SINA hearing April 24
Technology SINA hearing April 24
Technology SINA hearing April 24, message, kingsoft CEO – Jiang Hong Zhang issued an internal mail, summarizes the join between the adjustment of half of kingsoft business, which further reinforced in online games, and investment in cloud computing and layout will not stop. He confirmed the effect of implementing MBO and the transformation will bring pain but an opportunity not to be missed again.

From October 24 last year, Jiang-Hong Zhang joined kingsoft exactly half a one year. Former Microsoft Asia – Pacific Research and development group leaders, Jinshan to entrepreneurial spirit took a new start.

“The last six months, we’ve combed through our business, conduct a comprehensive review on the various activities, guantingbingzhuan part of the business, many unwavering mature businesses continue MBO” published today, Jiang-Hong Zhang explicitly expressed by internal mail, MBO Jinshan software is a proven and effective way to complement the Internet in transition.

Currently, three main pillars of Jinshan, namely West hills in the activities of basic online game, Jinshan network responsible for security operations, as company of WPS O men fur coats ffice software. The two first MBO of the company was completed.

joi, 26 iulie 2012

Statiunea Eforie Nord este a doua statiune de pe litoral
Statiunea Eforie Nord este a doua statiune de pe litoral
Statiunea Eforie Nord este a doua statiune de pe litoralul Marii Negre, cu o suprafata de 9,22 km², aceasta fiind amplasata la circa 15 kilometri fata de orasul Constanta.
Noile proiecte de refacere a zonei de promenada din statiunea Eforie Nord cuprind in planul sau hotelurile Acapulco si Belona. Edilii au in plan construirea unui Aqua parc printr-un parteneriat public-privat, care sa incante turistii cu tarife mici cazare pe litoral, si nu numai.

Petreceti clipe de neuitat pe litoralul marii Negre achizitionandu-ti un sejur ieftin Cap Aurorain Eforie Nord.

Spre sfarsitul lunii iunie, mai exact pe 22 va incepe cea de-a patra editie a Festivalului International de Sah Eforie, care se va intinde pana pe data de 1 iulie 2012. Sunt asteptati un numar de aproximativ 150 de participanti din Romania, Ucraina, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ungaria, Serbia, Nigeria, India, Libia si Liban.

Soare, mare, apa calda in statiunea Saturn
Soare, mare, apa calda in statiunea Saturn
Soare, mare, apa calda, ce mai vrem? Distractieee! Ei bine, cum ne petrecem timpul cand venim pe litoral?

In Mamaia gasim parcul de distractii Aqua Magic care, pentru suma de 60 de lei/ zi, putem sa ne dam in vestitele tobogane cu apa, sa ne balacim in piscinele intinse sau sa ne delectam cu un cocktail pe sezlong, in special daca suntem in trecere sau ne-am gasit cazare Saturn.

Parcul de distractii se intinde pe o suprafata de 4000 metri patrati va ofera 14 surse infinite de distractie,printre care, Waterplayground si Baby Pool, special create pentru distractia celor mici, se remarca prin multitudinea de mini-tobogane, piscine buclucase si personaje din povesti.

Zona destinata adultilor ofera Relax Pool, Jacuzzi si Lazy River iubitorilor de soare si relaxare, iar pentru curajosi si aventurieri Super
Crater, Multislide, Turbo Slide, River Ride, Twister, Mega Pipe, Kamikaze, Space Bowl, Black Hole (vestitul tobogan negru).

S-a inaugurat pasarela de acostare din Statiunea Mamaia
S-a inaugurat pasarela de acostare din Statiunea Mamaia
Pasarela de acostare din fata Hotelului Victoria, care permite accesul turistilor la un debarcader pentru ambarcatiuni de agrement. Investitia pentru aceasta pasarela a venit de la Ministerul Turismului, prin intermediul Elenei Udrea, in suma de 4.000.000 lei, aflata atunci la conducerea ministerului.

Din cei 4 milioane de lei, contributia primariei din Constanta a fost de numai 580.000 lei. Proiectul a fost inceput in anul 2010 si finalizat in 2012.

Astfel, constantenii si turistii aflati pe litoral in Mamaia se vor putea plimba cu vaporasul pana in Portul turistic Tomis si inapoi, la bordul unui vas de pasageri. Capacitatea acestui vas este de 140 de persoane, la bordul lui putandu-se servi masa, aceasta avand ca specific preparatele din peste si fructe de mare.

Plin de turisti in statiunea Venus
Plin de turisti in statiunea Venus
De cand vremea s-a facut frumoasa, iata ca a inceput sa vina si turistul roman la mare, sa se balaceasca. Soarele arzator, apa calda a marii, briza si atmosfera din timpul noptii din statiuni, il fac pe roman sa ajunga numaidecat pe litoral.

Aici pe langa cazare, se gasesc diverse locuri ieftine cu mancare buna, gen autoserviri sau terase, unele chiar aproape de plaja, unde mancarea costa in jur de 10-12 lei/ portia de persoana. Turistii care si-au cautat cazare Venus, si care au bugetul redus de cheltuieli de vacanta, vin cu mancarea din traista.

Ce cuprinde meniul turistului cu buget extra limitat? Ei bine, acesta cuprinde pe langa pateu, chiftelute ca la mama acasa, rosii, branza, ceva legume. Totusi sa nu uitam cel mai important element al mesei: slaninuta afumata! Desi e caldura, aceasta intra ca unsa, mai ales cu ceapa!

Varf de sezon pe litoral
Varf de sezon pe litoral
A inceput varful de sezon pe litoral iar tarifele au crescut precum mercurul din termometre. Cu cat este mai cald afara, cu atat mai multi turisti vin sa se cazeze la mare, iar hotelierii profita din plin de acest lucru, umfland preturile.
Preturile pentru 3 stele variaza undeva intre 150 lei si 230 lei, care includ micul dejun. Printre dotarile de care avem parte la aceste preturi se numara aerul conditionat, baie proprie cu cabina de dus, frigider in camera si uscator de par in baie.
De asemenea, au inceput sa fie cautate din ce in ce mai mult si apartamentele in regim hotelier, de 2 sau 3 camere. Acestea sunt utilate cu mobilier modern si aer conditionat, livingul avand canapea extensibila,dormitor cu pat matrimonial, bucatarie dotata si utilata cu tot ce le trebuie turistilor, inclusiv hota, plita pe gaz sau electrica, expresor de cafea. Baile sunt superbe, mari, le putem numi chiar sali de baie, unele dintre ele avand si jacuzzi.

The Space Shooter Game Industry
The Space Shooter Game Industry
In today’s gaming industry also called jocuri noi, space shooter game genres are perfectly designed with just the right amount of jam packed action and high tech weaponry that players of all calibers can enjoy, whether novice or experienced.

Programmers compete harder than characters against enemies from far away civilizations, to rise above the competition and present players with the best game that can be found online. Numerous bonuses are waiting for players to earn, some just for logging on every day, as well as personalized e-mail portals and chat forums to ensure players are getting the most enjoyment possible. Individuals can receive important information of upcoming events within the game and are offered the opportunity to stay in contact with friends made thanks to these features.

Countless websites allow individuals to customize their characters, usually immediately after registration, including the selection of gender, certain physical characteristics, and what squad they are fighting for- whether for the common good or villainous treachery. Players are then submitted to a series of training courses, where the characters they elect are placed in different fight or flight sequences, to become familiar with attack moves and control keys. Upon completion of training, players should prepare for blast off as they are ready for their first mission.

The Most Popular Addicting Games
The Most Popular Addicting Games
What is an enslaving game? You should understand when it’s a good addicting game, also called as jocuri noi in the event you play after but you wish to play the idea again so you cannot resist. Even though you may go to the bath or doing one thing, you can hurry for getting yourself back to the game handle; it is far from since you also wish to pause a sport, however you just can’t move on your own away from the video game. You wish to finish off the game with out interruption and if that is lost, you can start the adventure once again; and this also can be a trait of addicting sport.

Here are many of the most enslaving games which can be very acquainted to cricket fanatics. These are the video games that you’re performing till midnight and you will not escape from that till you are not carried out. You intend to play always using this type of game explanation it does not take the majority of addicting game titles.

Physician Mario- this really is just about the most well-liked addicting games all the time. There are several incidents link with playing Medical doctor Mario. It’s also been the main reason whiy our family members and friends hate you, reasons why addicts got separated as well as others. These points happen as the players will certainly forget the predetermined plans once they concentrate you need to playing Medical doctor Mario.

Advertising by GoogleBubble Issues 2- it is one of the well-known online addicting sport regarding couronne video game titles. In the particular arcade video games, the commonest gamed games are snowboard ball products, street fighter machines, and Pac-Man. These kind of games are well-liked due to the straightforwardness yet very exciting when you previously started the overall game and also this is good for often the beginner.

About Online Space Game Communities
About Online Space Game Communities
Online space game MMO’s, or massively multiplayer online games,also called as jocuri noi have become very popular with gamers all around the world. They provide a special combination of a futuristic environment with incredible weapons and vehicles with the excitement of playing online with thousands of other gamers. Game design studios are working hard to improve their games and often release updates to their online games which improve the experience and expand the gaming world. Whether you are a brand new player or a skilled gaming pro, you can benefit quite a bit from sharing in these community based websites as well since they can actually help improve your gameplay experience.

The majority of online space game official websites feature forums that are managed by the game design studio for players to use. Forum categories often feature tips for overcoming certain in-game challenges, strategy guides for types of characters, troubleshooting tips for technical issues, and many other matters. If you have a certain question about the game, make sure to search the forums before you post a thread because chances are someone has already had the same question answered.

If you are a brand new player with little experience, occasionally referred to as a newbie, then you are wise to get helpful information in the forums. You ought to have no trouble finding dozens of threads that are designed for new players, packed with information about how to get started and how to avoid making common mistakes. Though you may feel like actually playing the game is the best way to learn about the right way to play, you can find information and suggestions in the forum that you would have to spend many hours playing the game to understand on your own.

The easyest way to find a good divorce lawyer
The easyest way to find a good divorce lawyer
Everyone involved in a divorce process are very stressed and emotional exausted. Divorce means: alimony, custody and off corse a lot of divorce papers. For you it is good too find a divorce lawyer surrounding local divorce laws and all other factors that may affect your case. It is an important and considerable difference between the right lawyer and a good one. There are a lot of divorce lawyers in your area but you have to choose the right one for you.
When people start searching for a divorce lawyer first reaction is to greb the telephone book or searching Google. It is a good start but it is not enough just picking a random name. Lawyers are specialized in different areas but the one you choose must have experience in handling divorce cases. Second step is to made a list of local divorce lawyers and to consult at last three of them. It will help you undestand how a lawyer may handle your case, and meeting them helps you to compare them and at last to choose the one you feel more confortable with.

miercuri, 25 iulie 2012

Imbracamine si incaltaminte la magazinul online CHANTAL. In forma sa de boutique online, Chantal isi propune sa ofere imbracaminte, incaltaminte, haine online, haine dama, haine femei, rochii online tuturor fashionistelor din Romania. Brandurile ca Jeffrey Campbell si Anniel din boutique-ul Chantal se remarca prin designul si calitatea colectiilor.

Jeu de Voiture 2012
Jeu de Voiture 2012
There are many good games on the web. People take pleasure in online games also called as jocuri noi for various reasons. Some people take pleasure in online games for entertainment and some people take pleasure in online games for cash. There are many benefits of taking part in online games. The good thing about online games is that they’re freed from cost. One of essentially the most famous online games is online Jeux Voiture. There are thousands of people who favor the Jeux de Voiture 2012. If you have an interest in figuring out all the things about Jeux de Voiture, you need to undergo this article.

marți, 24 iulie 2012

Importance Of Learning To Play Free Flash Games
Importance Of Learning To Play Free Flash Games
You can find games which could retrieve your lost memory. It’s correct that because you become old, you may be experiencing certain memory gaps. The best way to fight the results of aging would be to play free games called as jocuri noi and you’ll definitely find these free games for the World Wide Web. Many people might say that you might be just squandering your time on the net however, if they only knew these games will make your memory sharper, they might test it too. Aging or getting old just isn’t enough basis for one to ignore the word enjoy. There’s more your than just sleeping and residing in your living space. You must maintain mind busy. Remember just what the doctors always claim that a healthy mind would eventually create a healthy body. That’s what exactly flash games are capable of doing for you. It’s likely you have heard stories about earliest pens people but you are still very active and they are even competing in events like chess.

Sisteme depozitare
Sisteme depozitare
Rafturi metalice pentru depozitare. Sisteme de depozitare Drive-in, platforme mezanin, rafturi industriale si echipamente de manipulat marfa.

Sisteme de depozitare autoportante. Sistemele de depozitare autoportante sunt sisteme de rafturi pentru paleti cu exploatare automatizata.

Furnizam accesorii rafturi de depozitare si structuri complete de rafturi.

Restaurante Cluj
Restaurante Cluj
Oferta restaurante Cluj. Petrece serile la restaurant sau bar in Cluj, mese festive, nunti la restaurante in Cluj.

Restaurantul Univers T este un loc special, în care eleganta şi buna dispoziţie sunt la ele acasa. Ospitalitatea şi atmosfera calda a restaurantului deconecteaza oaspeţii de la grijile cotidiene, răsfăţându-le plăcerile şi gusturile.

Calitatea servirii si rafinamentul preparatelor sunt garantate de traditia de peste 25 de ani, timp in care Restaurant Univers T a devenit un nume de referinta pe harta gastronomiei din Cluj-Napoca. De la o mică şi cochetă sărbătorire a zilei de naştere, la petreceri de nuntă sau botez şi pana la elegante evenimente din viaţa unei firme, Restaurantul Univers T este locul unde sunteti sigur de reusita obiectivelor propuse.

Pentru orice tip de eveniment, vă oferim Restaurantul cu o capacitate de 200 locuri, cu posibilitate de compartimentare, Terasa cu o capacitate de 75 locuri si o vedere încântătoare către lacul din zonă, Salonul Mercur cu o capacitate de 20 locuri şi Salonul VIP cu o capacitate de 15 locuri.

The biggest Seo mistakes that you can make
The biggest Seo mistakes that you can make
Given the multiple changes that have been recently made to Google’s algorithms, it’s no surprise that so many businesses are struggling to maintain their ranking with the search engines and keep up with present SEO practices.

Could the latest Google penguin update have had an impact on your traffic? Are backlinks no more a priority? These are questions that so many businesses have been left to ask themselves.

However, it doesn’t matter what changes are taking place within Google, it is important to keep in mind that there are certain SEO do’s and don’ts that ought to be followed. So, whilst Google continues to make changes that are out of your control, why not turn your attention to making the very best of your website by practicing only the most effective SEO service techniques.

luni, 23 iulie 2012

Pariuri sportive online
Pariuri sportive online
Nr 1 la pariuri sportive si pariuri online in Romania conform ! Cea mai activa comunitate de pariori este pe, nu uita sa verifici forumul !

Promovam pariurile sportive online, gasesti ultimele informatii despre bonusurile oferite de casele de pariuri, promotiile curente.

Articole si ghiduri de pariuri sportive pe internet adresate pariorilor incepatori si nu numai. Prezentarea celor mai bune case de pariuri sportive de pe internet.

Sistemul Kelly la pariuri
Sistemul Kelly la pariuri
Sisteme precum Martingale si Row of numbers (rand de numere) folosesc un nivel crescut de progresie pentru a compensa pentru lipsa de fonduri la pariuri sportive online. In cadrul acestor sisteme mizele cresc succesiv in cazul pierderii, de aceea pariorii au sanse mari de faliment.

In crititeriul Kelly progresia creste atunci cand castigi si scade atunci cand pierzi. Astfel riscul de faliment este teoretic eliminat.

Criteriul Kelly necesita ca pariorul sa aiba statistica de partea sa. Atunci cand va folositi de aceasta metoda se asteapta sa pariati cel putin la fel de bine ca si agentul de pariuri. Daca echipa gazda are o cota de 2.00, vei paria pe ea daca crezi ca are sanse de 50% sau mai mult.

Numele criteriului Kelly vine de la numele americanului John L. Kelly, cel care a inventat aceasta teorie si forumula. Pe scurt ea spune ca daca poti prevedea aproximativ rezultatul unui eveniment, atunci formula va determina suma pe care trebuie sa o pariezi.

Sisteme de rating pariuri
Sisteme de rating pariuri
De ce imi pun aceasta intrebare, si pe care v-o adresez si voua, totodata ? De circa 3 ani de zile, in colaborare cu cferoiu, am incercat diverse forme de sisteme de rating. Nici unul nu a reusit sa scoata un hitrate mai mare de 50%, in conditiile unor cote de 1.90 – 2.20, ceea ce, sa fim realisti, nu este un procent foarte bun. De la ce a plecat totul ?

Acum vreo 3 ani, pe un forum din Italia, am gasit un sistem de predictionare, bazat pe statistica pura, conceput de un italian, parca Minguccio avea ID-ul. Sistemul era foarte bine privit de utilizatorii forumului respectiv, si scotea predictii pentru toate categoriile: 1X2, under-over, pauza-final (erau innebuniti italienii dupa asa ceva), scoruri corecte, rezultat la pauza. Nu avea in “oferta” handicapul asiatic. Neavand, in acel moment, cunostintele pe care le am acum in Excel, mi se parea ceva extraordinar. Am discutat cu cferoiu despre acest sistem, si l-a atras. Si-a bagat el nasul in formulele fisierelor, si, pana la urma, ne-am dat seama ca este ceva “empiric”. Totul se baza doar pe sezonul in curs, pe rezultatele inregistrate in acea editie, fapt ce, in opinia noastra, a dus la concluzia ca nu era bine aprofundat.

sâmbătă, 21 iulie 2012

Arbitrage la pariuri
Arbitrage la pariuri
Un subiect controversat in lumea celor pasionati de pariuri.

Definitie surebet (arbitrage) : Un SureBet, sau un pariu sigur, este un set de pariuri unde sigur veti
castiga bani, indiferent de rezultatul evenimentului. Nu puteti pierde.

Aceasta este cea mai comuna descriere a unui surebet gasita pe net.
Parerea mea ca se pot si piede bani. O sa revin. Pentru a fii cat mai aproape de adevar nu uitati sa consultati si biletele zilei.

Exemplu surebet.

Considerati un meci de tenis între Hewitt si Federer, unde doua case de pariuri, Casa 1 si Casa 2 ofera urmatoarele cote:

Spongebob Dutchman Dash
Spongebob Dutchman Dash
SpongeBob Dutchman Dash is a beautiful new game with our favourite characters SpongeBob , his friend Patrick and of coursa the snail Gary. In this game SpongeBob and Patrick has to rescue Gary from the flying Ducthman.
It seems that The flying Dutchman has kidnapped and is up to SpongeBob to rescue him . It is a very popular game already , so Enjoy!

Dress up Jesse
Dress up Jesse
The most beautiful princess dress up game play. Jesse beautiful dress. Beautiful girl game. super girls game.

Alimony rules
Alimony rules
Alimony is actually a courtroom ordered settlement from one ex-spouse to another. In comparison to identifying kid assistance, Georgia regulation offers small specific assistance as to whether an alimony award is suitable and how much of an alimony award should be given.
Due to the fact of the method an award of alimony (and the sum of alimony) are decided, alimony awards are seldom overturned by Georgia’s appellate legal courts making the choice of the trial courtroom particularly significant in alimony instances.
In identifying whether to give alimony, a trial courtroom will usually decide whether an alimony award is suitable by looking at the requirements of one party versus the capability of the other party to pay.

Farmville help
Farmville help
Deadly 30 Trailer, New PC Game (COMING SOON)

vineri, 20 iulie 2012

Face Gamer
Face Gamer
Zynga’s new game, Castleville, is one of the hottest new Facebook games. If you’re an active face-gamer, you probably have friends that are playing this game already.

And for good reason. It’s a beautiful game, with simple and familiar gameplay. You build cottages, raise crops and livestock–do you get the feeling that Zynga can’t help but include Farmville aspects to all their games?–and dispel the gloom that covers the land.

Building royal buildings gets you castle points. Castle points are required for you to be able to explore into the gloom that surrounds your land. As you explore you discover new characters, who can give you new quests. The buildings you build can be taxed to give you additional revenue.

You can cut down the trees on your land, and mine the rocks as well. This gives you the raw materials you need to continue to build new buildings. Periodically “beasties” come and block access to your buildings. These beasties can be fought off and destroyed fairly easily.

joi, 19 iulie 2012

Good link building never dies
Good link building never dies
First of all I will tell you what kind of links you should forget about.

This kinds of links will harm your site so you have to avoid them in the future.

Google penalize this kind of links that are very easy to obtain :

1. WordPress comments

2. Article directories

3. Forum profiles and signatures on low pagerank sites !!

4. Guest book comments.

So , this are the main kinds of links you should forget about !!

I was a big fan of forum profiles but now I will give up working on them . Not entirely , I will make a list of pr 4 and above or high authority edu and gov forums.

So let’s see which are the links that I have tested and have results after thuis penguin update :

Despre casele de pariuri
Despre casele de pariuri

Exista multe avantaje pe care casele de pariuri online ti le ofera in dauna clasicelor agentii de pariuri offline, asa zisele agentii de cartier, iar in continuare va vom prezenta cateva dintre avantajele pariurilor online. Ca orice domeniu in care internetul a patruns, industria a devenit mult mai competitive si avantajele clientilor s-au marit considerabil.

1. In primul rand va putem spune ca daca veti paria online nu vi se va opri nici o taxa nici atunci cand plasati pariul dar nici cand veti castiga un bilet. La clasicele agentii de pariuri offline nu doar ca cotele sunt mult mai mici dar ti se percepe si o taxa de 5 % pana la 15% din eventualul castig iar daca castigurile depasesc suma de 600 RON iti va fi oprita o taxa de 20%.
2. Poti paria de oriunde, oricand. Astfel nu va mai fi nevoie sa mergi pana la agentie, sa astepti la coada pana iti vine randul, sa te impingi ca nu vezi intreaga oferta si asa mai departe. Totul poate fi facut foarte simplu de acasa, de la birou, de la facultate, de pe o terasa si tot ce-ti trebuie e un calculator, un laptop sau de ce nu, doar un telefon mobil.
3. Unul dintre cele mai mari avantaje ale caselor de pariuri online este ca acestea iti ofera un bonus de bun venit, un bonus pentru prima depunere si nu numai. Vei vedea cu fiecare ocazie speciala, la meciuri important ca sunt diverse bonusuri si promotii foarte bune. Astfel fiecare casa de pariuri incearca sa-si atraga noi clienti cu bonusuri foarte bune de bun venit, bonusuri ce difera de la o casa de pariuri online la alta.

miercuri, 18 iulie 2012

Soft analiza seo
Soft analiza seo
Va prezint un soft lansat recent pe piata internationala de analiza a competitiei.

Softul este asemanantor cu IPB si Web auditor. Iti analizeaza comparativ pagina cu primii 10 in google dupa orice cuvant si orice link.

Poti seta analiza pe orice,,

Pagina de prezentare a softului este :

Pretul este de 197 $, dar exista o oferta speciala de achizitie a lui cu numai 30 $ in aceleasi conditii.

Sincer va invit sa profitati de aceasta oferta care va fii pe termen redus.

Plata este unica si aveti updateuri pe viata gratuit. Va invit sa cumparati varianta Commercial pe care o puteti brandui cu datele voastre si astfel puteti crea rapoarte audit pentru clientii vostri pe care le puteti si vinde sau folosi pentru a arata clientilor vostri ca sunteti profesionisti .

Linkul de pe care il puteti cumpara cu numai 30 $ este aici .

Daca nu va convine softul puteti cere refund in 30 de zile si cu siguranta va veti primi banii inapoi.

Vand advertoriale pe 40 domenii diferite
Vand advertoriale pe 40 domenii diferite
Vand articole si advertoriale pe 40 domenii diferite.

Sunt unele domenii foarte vechi si cu autoritate mare, atat pe .ro, .com, .biz, .info, .it, .org, .eu.

Lista cuprinde : 1 x pr 4, 8 x pr 3, 11 x pr 2, 9 x pr 1 si 11 x pr 0

Pretul este de 4 $/advert/site pe pachet deci cate un advertorial unic scris de voi cu maxim 2 linkuri.

Este un private network propriu cu ip-uri multiple si servere localizate in zone diferite.

Lista o vor primi doar cei care comanda un pachet.

Speram ca pana la finalul anului sa avem aprox 100 de bloguri diferite.

Pentru cei interesati astept semn pe PM.

Plata se face in avans si doar pe Paypal sau banca romaneasca.

marți, 17 iulie 2012

Erotic massages in Central London
Erotic massages in Central London
The majority of you have heard about Tantric massage, but if you think it is just gentle touching, feathers, massage and no orgasms you couldn't be more wrong

Tantric massage is a massage created from the belief that if you are sexually happy and relaxed then your health will benefit. The Hindus describe Tantra as achieving personal growth through pleasurable existence. The massage itself does tend to cause orgasms, but these are described as a bonus rather than the aim.

Erotic, tantric and nuru massage in Central London
Erotic, tantric and nuru massage in Central London
We are Central London premiere exotic massage studio with the most beautiful and talented girls in the field. A lovely relaxing location with everyone working to make your visit the most enjoyable of experiences and one you will want to experience over and over again.

Beautiful and attentive massage therapists are always available for companionship. Relaxing and soothing you as you float through a sensual adult massage. Picture yourself compeltely entranced by the indulging caress of an intimate masseuse.

How to get a magical nuru massage in Central London
How to get a magical nuru massage in Central London
Nuru Massage London Sloane square

Different types of relaxation massage

There seem to be different interpretations of what a “Massage London Sloane square” is, depending on where you go for it.

In some parts of the United States, a “relaxation massage” is synonymous with a Swedish massage. An Ayurvedic massage - based on the ancient Hindu health care practice - can also be described as a erotic massages in Central London. So it’s worth calling in advance to find out what you’re going to get. We’ve described what you’re most likely to receive in a UK spa.

Magical Nuru masages in Central London
Magical Nuru masages in Central London
A more general massage that can involve bathing first, a full body massages, either naked or semi naked and involving various levels of bodily contact.

It is best to discuss exactly what you require prior to your appointment to make sure you get exactly what you want.

An example of what your massage can entail would be to bath first, lie down on your stomach and let your masseuse massages your legs, thighs, back etc. Then you turn over and let her massage your feet, thighs, stomach and chest. After that there come bodyslides and a climax in your masseuse’s talented hands.

This massage is a little les relaxed than a tantric massage, but not as energetic as a Nuru massage.

What to expect from a nuru massage in Central London
What to expect from a nuru massage in Central London
What to expect from a relaxation massage

As relaxation nuru massage London is a whole-body treatment, you will probably be given towels or a robe to wrap yourself in. During the massage, you will lie on a cushioned massage or treatment table and the masseur will employ skilfully-positioned towels to protect your dignities. The important thing here is that you feel comfortable. If you’re very self-conscious or want to keep some of your clothes on, do. It’s your massage and you need to feel comfortable if you’re going to feel more relaxed!

Concert Roxette la Cluj
Concert Roxette la Cluj
Au mai ramas doar doua zile pana la concertul pe care trupa suedeza Roxette il va sustine pe Cluj Arena, acesta fiind cel mai asteptat eveniment al anului organizat in Ardeal. Prezentat de Volksbank si Ursus, concertul se va desfasura pe 19 iulie si este organizat de Emagic.
Pentru evenimentul de joi, accesul in Cluj Arena se va face incepand cu ora 17:00, iar primul concert din deschidere, sustinut de Les Elephants Bizarres, va incepe in jurul orei 19:15. Grimus, cea de-a doua trupa din program, va urca pe scena in jurul orei 20:00, urmata de cei de la Roxette.

Nuru Massage London Sloane square
Nuru Massage London Sloane square
Different types of relaxation massage
There seem to be different interpretations of what a “Massage London Sloane square” is, depending on where you go for it.
In some parts of the United States, a “relaxation massage” is synonymous with a Swedish massage. An Ayurvedic massage - based on the ancient Hindu health care practice - can also be described as a erotic massages in Central London. So it’s worth calling in advance to find out what you’re going to get. We’ve described what you’re most likely to receive in a UK spa.

What is relaxation massage good for?
What is relaxation massage good for?
The clue to relaxation massage is in the title. A good London Relaxing massage relieves stress and tension in your muscles and will leave you oozing with a sense of wellbeing.
Relaxation massage achieves this because of the general benefits of massage: it improves your circulation, so your organs and skin get more oxygen; it moves fluid through your lymphatic system. A relaxation massage encourages your body to digest its food, and get rid of its toxins. It will help you to sleep better.
A massage will also help un-knot any muscles, soothe aches and sprains and encourage the skin to heal minor abrasions.
It is a natural instinct to rub or cuddle someone to give them comfort; a sensual massages london takes that instinct and runs with it, or rather “meanders” with it.

Nuru massage London involves working and acting on the body
Nuru massage London involves working and acting on the body
Nuru massage London involves working and acting on the body with pressure – structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving – tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical aids.

Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, skin, joints, or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, or organs of the gastrointestinal system.

Massage can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, and feet. There are over eighty different recognized massage modalities.

The most cited reasons for introducing tantric massage london as therapy have been client demand and perceived clinical effectiveness.

What is a relaxation nuru massage London
What is a relaxation nuru massage London
Most massage treatments will relax you, among other things. With a relaxation massage, relaxing you is the only aim. For this reason, it is one of the most complete and indulgent massages you can have.

Definitions vary, but in the UK, a relaxation massage is usually a full-body treatment involving soft music, soft lighting and aromatherapy oils. You will have a long, luxurious massage which will use all kinds of techniques including long strokes, gentle kneading and rolling of skin and muscle, and perhaps some rhythmic rocking from side to side.

Relaxation erotic massages in Central London is a passive treatment. You probably won’t be stretched or manoeuvred into any yoga-like positions, as you are, for example, in Thai massage. You just lie there and take it. This is the massage to choose if you just want to chill out, and be pampered and spoiled.

luni, 16 iulie 2012

Sensual massage in Central London
Sensual massage in Central London
A more general massage that can involve bathing first, a full body massages, either naked or semi naked and involving various levels of bodily contact.

It is best to discuss exactly what you require prior to your appointment to make sure you get exactly what you want.

An example of what your massage can entail would be to bath first, lie down on your stomach and let your masseuse massages your legs, thighs, back etc. Then you turn over and let her massage your feet, thighs, stomach and chest. After that there come bodyslides and a climax in your masseuse’s talented hands.

Tantric massage London
Tantric massage London
The majority of you have heard about Tantric massage London, but if you think it is just gentle touching, feathers, massage and no orgasms you couldn't be more wrong

Tantric massage is a massage created from the belief that if you are sexually happy and relaxed then your health will benefit. The Hindus describe Tantra as achieving personal growth through pleasurable existence. The massage itself does tend to cause orgasms, but these are described as a bonus rather than the aim.

Although Tantric massage does not involve actual penetrative sex, it does involve full on touching of the organs. Your manhood is referred to as Lingam (wand of light) and the lady's sexual organs are called Yoni (sacred space or sacred temple).

Nuru massage London
Nuru massage London
Nuru massage originated in Japan and it involves using a gel made from seaweed (Nori) and body-to-body contact. Colourless, scentless & tasteless, the gel is slick, almost like silicone, which helps reduce friction from the massage. Cleaning up is easy though, it leaves no oily deposits
The massage itself is very energetic from both sides and is nothing but unadulterated sexy fun.
It starts off slow and sensual with your bodies rubbing together and works up to a crescendo of excitement. Put simply it feels like nothing you’ve ever felt before and expect sensory overload. This is wild passion, maximum erotica and pure sexual pleasure.

Nuru massage London
Nuru massage London
Nuru massage originated in Japan and it involves using a gel made from seaweed (Nori) and body-to-body contact. Colourless, scentless & tasteless, the gel is slick, almost like silicone, which helps reduce friction from the massage. Cleaning up is easy though, it leaves no oily deposits
The massage itself is very energetic from both sides and is nothing but unadulterated sexy fun.
It starts off slow and sensual with your bodies rubbing together and works up to a crescendo of excitement. Put simply it feels like nothing you’ve ever felt before and expect sensory overload. This is wild passion, maximum erotica and pure sexual pleasure.

Hotel – restaurant Univers T iti implineste toate asteptarile.
Hotel – restaurant Univers T iti implineste toate asteptarile.
Situat in imediata vecinatate a Iulius Mall, la doar cateva minute de centul istoric al orasului si cu acces direct catre aeroport, Hotel-Restaurant Univers T ofera toate conditiile unui hotel de 4* la preturi de 3*.

Camere duble si matrimoniale, suite si apartamente dotate la cele mai inalte standarde internationale, sali de conferinte cu aparatura de ultima generatie, restaurant si saloane speciale pentru momente deosebite, terasa pe malul lacului , sauna, masaj, sala fitness si o parcare privata de 100 locuri supravegheata video – vor face parte numai din Universul Tau !!!

sâmbătă, 14 iulie 2012

Majoritatea femeilor care ar dori sa isi puna extensii cheratina sunt nehotarate datorita faptului ca nu stiu sigur daca acestea afecteaza sau nu firul de par, dat fiind procedeul prin care sunt aplicate: lipirea la cald.

Daca te afli in randul acestor persoane, trebuie sa stii ca, desi este o idee buna sa ceri sfaturi prietenelor care au mai purtat extensii cheratina pana acum, conteaza foarte mult modul in care le-au ingrijit. Prin urmare, daca cineva iti spune ca acest tip de extensii iti poate deteriora parul, primul lucru la care ar trebui sa te gandesti este daca nu cumva aceste persoane nu au stiut, de fapt, cum sa isi ingrijeasca extensiile cheratina.

Acest tip de extensii a fost realizat in asa fel incat modul in care sunt aplicate sa nu dauneze parului tau natural. Aceste extensii cheratina au la baza cheratina pura, de inalta calitate, al carei rol nu este numai acela de a lipi parul remy de parul tau natural, ci si de a proteja firele de care este prinsa si de a le hrani in profunzime. Deci, daca extensiile sunt aplicate de catre un profesionist, apoi sunt ingrijite conform sfaturilor lui, nu ai nici un motiv pentru care sa te ingrijorezi.

Sa vedem, in continuare, care sunt principalele reguli pentru intretinerea adecvata a unor extensii cheratina. Deja stii ca, fiind realizate din par 100% natural, le poti vopsi si coafa fara probleme.

Extensii microring pentru frumusetea si sanatatea parului
Extensii microring pentru frumusetea si sanatatea parului
Probabil multe femei si-ar dori sa incerce macar o data extensiile de par pentru a obtine lungimea si volumul la care nu pot ajunge indiferent de cate produse de calitate folosesc. Adesea cea mai mare problema este teama ca acestea ar putea afecta firul de par, insa adevarul este ca exista extensii par natural care au fost gandite in asa fel incat sa nu degradeze parul celei care le poarta.

In aceasta categorie intra seturile de extensii microring, care nu necesita lipire la cald sau folosirea de substante care ar putea dauna parului.

Aplicarea de extensii microring se bazeaza pe utilizarea unor inele foarte micute si discrete al caror rol este sa prinda suvitele de par remy de suvitele de par natural. Procedeul este unul migalos, care necesita rabdare si o persoana experimentata care stie cum sa aplice extensiile astfel incat acestea sa reziste fara probleme timp de aproximativ trei luni. Prin urmare, daca ai decis sa apelezi la extensii microring, in primul rand trebuie sa te interesezi de un salon de calitate si de un specialist in care sa ai incredere deplina.

De ce sa alegi extensii de par natural
De ce sa alegi extensii de par natural
Orice femeie isi doreste un par frumos, bogat, care sa straluceasca de sanatate si sa o faca sa se simta cu adevarat atragatoare. Pe langa produsele de calitate pe care le folosesti zilnic pentru ingrijirea parului, o alta solutie poate fi gasita in extensii par natural.

Decat sa astepti sa iti creasca parul la lungimea dorita si sa te intrebi cum ti-ar sta cu parul mult mai lung decat l-ai avut vreodata, merita sa investesti in extensii de par natural si sa te bucuri de o podoaba capilara de invidiat. Sa vedem care sunt motivele pentru care o femeie ar trebui sa recurga la aceasta solutie.

In primul rand, este vorba de dorinta de a schimba ceva. Te poti vopsi oricand si iti poti face o tunsoare noua, insa mult mai impresionati vor fi cei din jurul tau daca te vor vedea cu un par bogat si lung pana la talie. Efectul va fi de neuitat. Prin urmare, daca iti doresti sa impresionezi pe cineva sau, pur si simplu, sa te simti bine in pielea ta si sa experimentezi ceva nou, poti opta cu incredere pentru extensii.

Cum ingrijesti extensiile de par natural
Cum ingrijesti extensiile de par natural
Daca ai decis sa optezi pentru extensii par natural pentru o schimbare de look, atunci trebuie sa fii bine informata si in ceea ce priveste ingrijirea parului dupa aplicarea extensiilor. In ultimii ani, moda extensiilor de par a luat amploare. Daca inainte extensiile erau folosite doar de vedete,acum oricine are acces la ele si se poate bucura de un par lung, frumos si stralucitor.
Lucrurile sunt simple. Pentru a aplica extensii de par natural nu trebuie decat sa apelezi la un salon profesional, unde extensiile vor fi lipite sau cusute cu atentie, in functie de tipul pe care l-ai ales. Insa, trebuie sa stii ca dupa ce ti-au fost aplicate extensiile, rutina ta zilnica de ingrijire a parului trebuie sa se modifice putin.

Extensiile de par natural pot fi coafate si vopsite fara probleme, fara a fi necesara scoaterea lor. Exceptand, desigur, cazul in care ai ales sa folosesti extensii clip-on, care se aplica si se scot in cateva minute fara ajutorul nimanui. Totusi, aceste doua procese trebuie realizate cu mai multa atentie decat de obicei.

Tipuri de extensii de par natural
Tipuri de extensii de par natural
Un par superb, lung si bogat este un simbol puternic al feminitatii si al fortei de atractie a unei femei. Din pacate, nu toate femeile au fost inzestrate cu o podoaba capilara asa cum si-ar fi dorit si chiar daca parul este ingrijit cu atentie, acest lucru nu garanteaza faptul ca va creste in ritmul la care viseaza fiecare.
Pentru cele care tanjesc dupa un par de invidiat, solutia sta in extensii par natural. Usor de aplicat si create special pentru a imbogati podoaba capilara fara a agresa firul de par, extensiile de par prezinta o serie de avantaje carora nici o femeie nu le-ar putea rezista: pot fi coafate fara probleme, folosind placa sau ondulatorul, pot fi vopsite fara a se degrada si poti alege dintr-o larga varietate de culori si lungimi.

Inainte de a decide sa apelezi la extensii de par natural, trebuie sa fii bine informata cu privire la aceasta metoda, deoarece ai posibilitatea de a alege intre mai multe tipuri de extensii. Fiecare tip isi are avantajele sale si numai analizand cu atentie optiunile iti poti da seama care este cel care ti se potriveste mai bine.

Ce trebuie sa stii despre extensiile de par natural
Ce trebuie sa stii despre extensiile de par natural
Multe femei care isi doresc sa apeleze la extensii par natural pentru o schimbare de look sunt reticente si usor nehotarate la inceput, deoarece nu au destule informatii privitoare la aceasta metoda de infrumusetare. In acest caz, cea mai buna solutie este sa ia legatura cu cineva care a purtat extensii de par sau sa mearga direct la un salon, unde i se pot raspunde la toate intrebarile.

Insa, chiar si asa, trebuie mai intai sa se asigure ca salonul este unul de calitate, iar persoana cu care vorbeste poate oferi informatii corecte. In ceea ce priveste prietenele care au mai purtat extensii de par natural, trebuie tinut cont de faptul ca depinde de fiecare cum se simte cu ele. Daca extensiile nu au fost ingrijite corespunzator, cea care le-a purtat nu are cum sa fie multumita de metoda.

Prin urmare, care sunt principalele lucruri pe care trebuie sa le cunosti atunci cand iti doresti sa optezi pentru extensii de par natural? In primul rand, trebuie sa te asiguri ca le cumperi de la o sursa de incredere si sa nu le cauti pe cele mai ieftine. Daca iti doresti calitate, atunci trebuie sa fii dispusa sa investesti. In caz contrar, s-ar putea sa constati ca extensiile cumparate nu se ridica la nivelul asteptarilor tale. Este, de asemenea, foarte important sa te asiguri ca parul din care sunt facute este natural si nu artificial.

Mentine extensiile de par natural in cea mai buna conditie
Mentine extensiile de par natural in cea mai buna conditie
Parul remy este folosit in realizarea de extensii par natural de calitate inalta,considerate a fi cele mai bune tipuri de extensii de pe piata. Parul remy este de provenienta indiana, in cazul culorilor inchise – saten inchis, ciocolatiu, brunet – sau ruseasca, in cazul culorilor deschise – toate nuantele de blond.

Astfel, parul poate fi vopsit, coafat si spalat fara probleme, ca si cum ar fi propriul tau par. Singurul lucru de care va trebui sa tii cont dupa aplicarea extensiilor permanente este ca va trebui sa le ingrijesti cu mare atentie pentru a le mentine frumusetea si stralucirea initiala.

Extensii microring
Extensii microring
Extensii microring si extensii Par Natural de calitate. Extensiile cu microring sunt flexibile, uşor de instalat si de eliminat,! Modele 2012!

Extensii de par microring – extensii par natural veritabil, extensii par natural, catifelat si omogen, inele ultra small captusite cu silicon, extensii de par natural.

Va oferim o gama larga de extensii de par cu microring, cheratina, clip-on par 100% natural.

vineri, 13 iulie 2012

Extensii par natural
Extensii par natural
Detalii privind extensiile clip-on, cheratina, micoring, cusute.


- ideale pentru orice ocazie

- nu dauneaza parului, nu se incurca si se intretin asemenea propriului par pentru ca sunt din par natural

- foarte usor de montat, nu trebuie sa mergeti la un salon; se monteaza prin fixarea clemelor de par

- folosite si tratate corespunzator, poti fi folosite intre 6-12 luni

- un set este format din 8 mese, impartite astfel : 1 mesa cu 4 clipsuri, 2 mese cu 3 clipsuri, 3 mese cu 2 clipsuri, 1 mesa cu 1 clips


- sunte extensii permanente, care se pot aplica doar in salon

- dupa 3-4 luni trebuiesc date jos si aplicate din nou

- pot fi folosite si ca extensii clip-on, prin taierea in mai multe mese si aplicarea clipsurilor


- prinderea se face prin fixarea ineluselor de suvita de par

- se monteaza doar de catre persoane specializate

- dupa fixarea, extensiile raman in par timp de 2-3 luni


- se monteaza prin lipire la cald, doar de catre o persoana specializata

- legatura de cheratina nu afecteaza parul la lipire, nici pe durata folosirii

Extensii par natural
Extensii par natural
Detalii privind extensiile clip-on, cheratina, micoring, cusute.


- ideale pentru orice ocazie

- nu dauneaza parului, nu se incurca si se intretin asemenea propriului par pentru ca sunt din par natural

- foarte usor de montat, nu trebuie sa mergeti la un salon; se monteaza prin fixarea clemelor de par

- folosite si tratate corespunzator, poti fi folosite intre 6-12 luni

- un set este format din 8 mese, impartite astfel : 1 mesa cu 4 clipsuri, 2 mese cu 3 clipsuri, 3 mese cu 2 clipsuri, 1 mesa cu 1 clips


- sunte extensii permanente, care se pot aplica doar in salon

- dupa 3-4 luni trebuiesc date jos si aplicate din nou

- pot fi folosite si ca extensii clip-on, prin taierea in mai multe mese si aplicarea clipsurilor


- prinderea se face prin fixarea ineluselor de suvita de par

- se monteaza doar de catre persoane specializate

- dupa fixarea, extensiile raman in par timp de 2-3 luni


- se monteaza prin lipire la cald, doar de catre o persoana specializata

- legatura de cheratina nu afecteaza parul la lipire, nici pe durata folosirii

joi, 12 iulie 2012

Play Winter Rush
Play Winter Rush
Nice winter game with beautiful graphic. Drive your snowmobile in winter forest. Try to avoid obstacles and reach highest score.

Optimizare Google
Optimizare Google
Ultimul update de algoritm de la Google, numit Penguin a luat prin surprindere intreaga comunitate Seo atat din tara cat si pe plan mondial. Dupa acest update procesul de optimizare site s-a schimbat radical si odata pentru totdeauna.

Google a declarat ca motivul pentru care a facut aceasta modificare de algoritm este tocmai acela de a acorda si siteurilor noi o sansa de a capata pozitii bune in motoarele de cautare. Acest update a obligat pe toti cei care activeaza in industria seo sa isi ajusteze radical strategiile de optimizare si sa schimbe tehnicile de obtinere de linkuri.

Inainte de acest update era suficient sa creezi un numar cat mai mare de linkuri cu ancora pe cuvantul vizat pentru optimizare si sa il pui in cat mai multe locuri pe internet.

Dupa lansarea Lui Google Panda, updateul de dinaintea lui Penguin, care a avut loc in aprilie 2011 diversitatea de locuri unde puteai pune linkuri bune pentru seo a scazut putin . Ce a facut acest panda update ? El cauta pe net siteurile de calitate proasta si le penaliza pentru ca puneau linkuri catre alte siteuri. Cu alte cuvinte primul update a incercat sa termine locurile unde specialistii de seo faceau spam. In general au fost lovite siteurile cu un design prost sau a caror incredere era foarte
mica in ochii lui Google.

Deasemenea Panda a lovit si siteurile care aveau prea multe reclame pe pagini sau linkuri fara sens, dar in acelasi timp aveau un continut foarte slab.

Pinguinul a fost lansat exact cu un an mai tarziu in aprilie 2012, si de aceasta data vizeaza asa zisele siteuri care au o "optimizare prea buna ". Asadar a lovit in general siteurile care aveau o optimizare onpage exagerata prin cuvinte cheie in url, title, metauri, h1, si aveau si linkuri cu aceleasi ancore spre ele. Au mai fost lovite si siteurile care aveau continut duplicat sau de foarte proasta calitate.

Multa lume vorbea despre moartea seo odata cu acest update, dar nu este chiar asa, nu a murit doar s-a transformat radical. Nu foarte multe companii stiu sa lucreze conform noilor cerinte ale Google, asa ca va sfatuim sa aveti mare grija cu cine lucrati seo de acum incolo.

Cadouri pentru femei
Cadouri pentru femei
Ofera femeii din viata ta un cadou care sa o incante, ofera-i un zambet.

Fiecare femeie este diferita si tocmai de aceea gasirea cadoului perfect este o munca grea.

Idei de cadouri pentru femei, sotii si iubite, cadouri pentru aniversari , 8 Martie, Craciun, Paste, Sf. Valentin .

Edu link pyramid
Edu link pyramid
This is our masterpiece package. We are talking about a enormous power of link juice. We are about to give you a link pyramid based on the most hunted links EDU contextual links + social links.

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Imagine desktop Natalie Portman
Imagine desktop Natalie Portman
Imagine desktop cu una dintre vedetele tale favorite de la Hollywood, Natalie Portman. Poti descarca gratuit un wallpaper cu Natalie Portman in aproape toate rezolutiile posibile.

Greutatea fetelor
Greutatea fetelor
Greutatea fetelor a fost o problema din toate timpurile .

Aici gasiti o explicatie de ce ele vor sa fie slabe, ca dupa ce se macheaza oricum iau in greutate 2-3 kg. )

Câte fete încap într-un Lamborghini Gallardo ?
Câte fete încap într-un Lamborghini Gallardo ?
Dacă v-aţi întrebat vreodată câte fete ar încăpea într-un Lamborghini, răspunsul îl puteţi afla în clipul următor.

De fapt, este vorba despre un Lamborghini Gallardo GT1 Reiter, un model special preparat pentru circuit care “aleargă” în campionatul de anduranţă, GT1 World.

Vara in tramvai -Bancuri tari
Vara in tramvai -Bancuri tari
Intr-un tramvai, caldura , aglomeratie mare… O d-na, in picioare, tinandu-se de bara de sus.

Alaturi,un batran care nu mai suporta mirosul urat,de transpiratie, venind de sub bratul d-nei:

- Asculta cucoana, ce-i mirosul asta?!?

- Este parfumul meu, pe care il folosesc zilnic.

miercuri, 11 iulie 2012

Joc multiplayer Match Monster
Joc multiplayer Match Monster
Match este un joc multiplayer care se joaca online cu alti useri reali. Pentru a putea juca trebuie sa iti creezi cont si sa te loghezi. Poti sa cumperi power-ups si personaje noi in magazin si poti juca ca si guest fara logare. alatura-te diverselor clanuri pentru mai multa distractie.

Play Cube Tank Arena
Play Cube Tank Arena
Cube Tank Arena este un joc cu tancuri de tip 3 d. Jocul se desfasoara pe 5 arene diferite unde tu trebuie sa iti faci loc si sa iti depasesti concurenta. Chiar daca pare infernal nu trebuie sa iti pierzi speranta ca vei reusi si vei deveni campionul arenei.

Elefantul razboinic - Jocuri cu lupte
Elefantul razboinic - Jocuri cu lupte
In acest joc de actiune trebuie sa infrunti hoarde de razboinici feroce si sa iti conduci armata spre victorie in lupta pentru toporul mitologic.

Tu esti elefantul care conduce intreaga operatiune si isi cheama colegii si aliatii in ajutor atunci cand crede de cuvinta.

Misca elefantul cu sagetile sau punnd click in directia dorita -
Cheama ajutoare -apasa butonul vikingi sau arcasi.
Trage cu sageti - Apasa butoanele cu sageti din stanga.
Incarca elefantul - apasa butonul cu elefant

Free Seo ranking report
Free Seo ranking report
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marți, 10 iulie 2012

Seo research
Seo research
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luni, 9 iulie 2012

Reguli webdesign pentru optimizare seo
Reguli webdesign pentru optimizare seo
Multi specialisti sau semi specialisti prefera sa stabileasca regulile pentru optimizare site dupa ce au facut siteul. Merge si asa, dar cel mai bine ar fii sa avem acesti indicatori in vedere inca dinainte de a concepe structura siteului, ma refer la design si programare php.

Exista cateva aspecte extrem de importante care trebuie luate in considerare chiar inainte de a incepe designul siteului tau. Daca faci treaba bine si planuita vei vedea ca siteul se va optimiza mult mai repede si mult mai usor decat daca incerci optimizarea dupa ce el este deja realizat.

Sfatul meu este ca inainte de a incepe sa faci un site e sa stabilesti o conferinta de consultanta seo cu o firma de specialitate sau ma rog, un individ care are o oarecare reputatie in domeniu.

Importanta linkurilor sociale pentru optimizarea seo
Importanta linkurilor sociale pentru optimizarea seo
Se zvoneste tot mai des si mai apasat ca linkurile sociale vor deveni cele mai importante in optimizare seo.

Deja se stie ca dupa Penguin update Google tinde sa dea credit mai mare unei pagini care are multe linkuri de tip social, cum ar fii share pe Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Digg, Linkedin si alte multe structuri.

Acest lucru, spun cei de la Google arata ca pagina respectiva este populara si ca utilizatorii considera acest continut de calitate si vor sa il arate si altora.

Se zvoneste insa ca linkurile sociale vor inlocui linkurile clasice in ochii lui Google. Totusi mi se pare departe momentul acesta cu toate ca exista o tendinta in acest sens. Momentan linkurile in articole si sitewide pe siteuri de autoritate mare merg mai bine ca niciodata.

Asadar zic ca nu exista inca motive clare de ingrijorare, dar ca trebuie urmata o strategie foarte atenta de implementare a lor pe care o puteti gasi aici .

Luna trecuta a avut loc o mare conferinta la Seattle in care se pare ca Matt Cutts, reprezentatul Google ar fi facut anumite declaratii in acest sens. Mai jos vedeti un mic filmulet cu acest episod.

Exista deja niste programe extrem de inteligente care creaza automat conturi pe peste 100 retele sociale de prima mana si publica automat continutul acolo creand astfel linkuri sociale cu nemiluita.

Play Forty Thieves Solitaire Gold
Play Forty Thieves Solitaire Gold
Sneak into the cave of the forty thieves and get the gold in this popular card game. See how often you can steal their treasure!
Follow the in-game tutorial to learn how to play. The rules are simple but winning is tricky!

Imagine desktop Sexy girl
Imagine desktop Sexy girl
Va prezentam o imagine desktop ce se asorteaza cu vara si ideea de exotic. Acest wallpaper este plin de culori vii si va da energie monitorului dumneavoastra.

Wigman Big Run
Wigman Big Run
Fugi, sari si mananca tot ce poti prinde. Trebuie sa castigi greutate si sa izbesti toate obstacolele care iti ies in cale. Trebuie sa calatoresti prin lume pentru a gasi hrana. Cu cat evoluezi mai tare vei gasi upgradeuri si bonusuri pentru ca distractia sa fie si mai mare. Daca vrei sa iti salvezi progresul va trebui sa iti creezi cont pe site.

Zidurile vrajitorului
Zidurile vrajitorului
Un joc de aparare tip arcade exceptional dezvoltat de Kongregate. Trebuie sa faci vraji si sa salvezi oile de atacurile monstrilor. Vei avea multe misiuni si mai multe tipuri de vraji cu cat vei inainta in nivelurile jocului. Atentie la goblini si trolls.

duminică, 8 iulie 2012

Farsa cu inghetata pe bat
Farsa cu inghetata pe bat
O farsa care m-a facut sa rad cu lacrimi despre o nevinivata inghetata pe bat vanduta doar femeilor. Stati sa vedeti reactii.

Play Statue Room Escape
Play Statue Room Escape
As you are locked in a Statue room, you will have to find a way out to escape from the room and you must take the statue inside the locker by using objects and clues found in the room. Good luck and have fun!

Imagine desktop Husly
Imagine desktop Husly
O imagine desktop cu niste catei Husky superbi. Daca esti mare fan al acestor catei poti downloada gratuit acest wallpaper in aproape toate rezilutiile posibile.

Joaca Cop Pursuit
Joaca Cop Pursuit
Foloseste-ti abilitatile de sofer ca sa scapi de politie. Dupa ce scapi de ei du masina in locul precizat de joc si primeste o recompensa banoasa de le seful tau mafiot. Ideea e asemanatoare cu GTA.

Joaca Bubble Shooter
Joaca Bubble Shooter
Un joc clasic cu bile . Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa tintesti cu bile de aceeasi culoare in minim 2 bile si vei vedea ca le elimina. Va trebui sa te misti repede caci cu trecerea timpului ele incep sa coboare si sa te copleseasca. Spor !