luni, 24 ianuarie 2011

Economia României, mai libera decât cea a Frantei

Economia României este libera în proportie de 64,7, ceea ce o plaseaza pe locul 63 din 183 de state în clasamentul celor mai libere economii din lume, potrivit concluziilor unui raport dat publicitatii miercuri de Heritage Foundation, o reputata organizatie de analiza economica din Washington, citata de Agerpres.
Potrivit Index of Economic Freedom pe 2011, scorul României s-a îmbunatatit cu 0,5 comparativ cu editia precedenta. Desi este depasita de tari precum Bulgaria, locul 60, Ungaria, locul 51, Slovacia, locul 37, si Cehia, locul 28, România se situeaza totusi în fata Frantei, locul 64, Slovenia, locul 66, Turcia, locul 67, Polonia, locul 68, si Portugalia, locul 69. Astfel, România se claseaza pe locul 27 din cele 43 de state din regiunea Europei, iar scorul sau total este mai mare decât media globala.
Si în acest an Hong Kong se situeaza pe prima pozitie, pentru al 17-lea an consecutiv, cu un scor de 89,7, mult peste media globala de 59,7. Urmeaza în ordine, Singapore, Australia, Noua Zeelanda, Elvetia, Canada, Irlanda, Danemarca, SUA si Bahrein. Pe ultimele locuri ale clasamentului se situeaza Coreea de Nord, locul 179, cu un scor de 1,0, în timp ce Afganistanul, Irakul, Liechtenstein si Sudanul nu au primit un calificativ.
La elaborarea acestui clasament, Heritage Foundation a luat în calcul o lista de 10 criterii precum interventia statului în economie, dreptul de proprietate, politica fiscala, gradul de coruptie, libertatea muncii.

joi, 20 ianuarie 2011

Oboseala cronica acuta

Sindromul de oboseala cronica are cauze diverse si este diagnosticat in functie de cel putin 4 simptome dintre cele catalogate de medici (oboseala extrema, dificultati de concentrare, pierderi de memorie, dureri musculare, articulare si cefalee, ganglioni usor mariti, somn neodihnitor). Oboseala cronica poate fi stabilita doar de medic, dupa un control amanuntit, mai ales ca boala are manifestari specifice de la un pacient la altul. Dupa un tratament personalizat, stabilit de medicul curant, este important ca sa se aplice ulterior un tratament de intretinere, pentru atenuarea efectelor oboselii cronice.

Tonus slab
Un tonus slab (hipotonie) la nivelul musculaturii este o manifestare a diferitelor boli si tulburari ale nervului motor din creier care controleaza forta musculara. Tonusul slab se recunoaste usor inca din copilarie, dar diagnosticarea poate fi adesea dificila. Efectele pe termen lung se concretizeaza in slabiciune musculara. Tratamentul, in cele mai multe dintre cazuri, se face prin terapie fizica sau ocupationala, sub recomandarea medicului. O persoana cu tonus slab are nevoie de supraveghere adecvata si solutii de tratament pe termen lung.

Imbatranirea pielii
Colagenul si elastina sunt cele doua componente importante care se gasesc in structura dermei si care duc la imbatranirea pielii odata cu trecerea anilor. Oxidarea poate provoca pete de imbatranire a pielii. Totodata, razele ultraviolete imbatranesc derma, iar alte cauze pot fi: alimentatie deficitara, deshidratare, factori ereditari, poluarea, umiditatea scazuta, modul in care va ingrijiti pielea zilnic si chiar stresul de zi cu zi. Exista remedii la indemana pentru a reda pielii din elasticitate si pentru a preintampina imbatranirea. Consultarea unui specialist permite gasirea unui tratament personalizat, in functie de tipul de piele.

Miros neplacut
Mirosul neplacut al corpului poate fi o consecinta a igienei deficitarea, dar si a unor boli digestive, afectiuni ale ficatului, diabet sau infectii. Mirosul neplacut se mai poate manifesta din cauza unei intense activitati bacteriale a glandelor sudoripare sau a unui deficit de minerale. Exista persoana care prezinta miros neplacut din cauza unui dezechilibru care afecteaza bacteriile din sistemul digestiv. In functie de cauzele depistate si partile organismului unde apare mirosul, tratamentele pot fi diverse. Consultul la un medic specialist este necesar, mai ales cand mirosul neplacut va afecteaza viata sociala.

Dureri musculare
Durerile musculare sunt frecvente si implica adesea si disconfort la nivelul ligamentelor, al oaselor, tendoanelor sau chiar la nivelul organelor interne. Cauzele unor dureri musculare pot fi diverse, de la suprasolicitare fizica a zonei dureroase pana la boli precum lupus sau fibromialgia (inflamarea muschilor). Durerile musculare pot aparea si ca efect secundar al unor medicamente. In conditiile in care durerile musculare persista, chiar daca s-a evitat efortul, un control medical este necesar. Organismul reactioneaza divers, iar asemenea dureri pot ascunde boli grave.

Balonarea este cauzata de o anumita afectiune sau este o consecinta a unui stil alimentar dezordonat. Daca senzatia de balonare este repetitiva, in ciuda regimului alimentar optim, este important sa va adresezi unui medic specialist pentru a depista daca exista probleme digestive si cum pot fi tratate. Balonarea se manifesta prin gaze in exces in tubul digestiv, in special in stomac si intestine. In cazuri de balonare persistenta, este recomandata o detoxifiere de 2-3 ori pe an, necesitate prezenta in special dupa varsta de 35 de ani, cand problemele digestive devin mai frecvente.

Diminuarea memoriei
Diminuarea memoriei poate fi un efect al diverselor boli cardiovasculare - reducerea aportului de sange la creier, boli degenerative (Parkinson, Alzheimer) sau aspecte emotionale care duc la spasme ale vaselor de sange cerebrale si scaderea irigarii cu sange a creierului. O alta cauza de diminuarea memoriei este deficienta de vitaminele B6 si B1. Mai mult, deficitul de magneziu poate conduce la slabirea memoriei. Medicul va poate prescrie, in acest caz, o cura cu vitamine apartinand grupului B, iar ameliorarile vor fi vizibile. Stresul cauzat de zgomote excesive este un alt element care sta la baza diminuarii memoriei.

Daca intampinati una dintre aceste probleme contactati-ne :

luni, 17 ianuarie 2011

Portretul robot al unui parior de succes

Portretul robot al unui parior de succes la pariuri sportive :
1. Se specializeaza pe un anumit sport sau cel mult 2.
2. Se specializeaza pe un anumit campionat sau cel mult 3 (sau asupra unui numar de echipe pe care le urmareste constant).
3. Are conturi la mai multe agentii si cauta cea mai buna cota pentru ce vrea el sa parieze.
4. Isi propune un obiectiv, un punct terminus dupa care isi retrage o parte din castig, isi propune urmatorul obiectiv s.a.m.d. deoarece stie ca banii care apar in dreapta sus sub username sunt ai lui doar cand ii are in mana.
5. Studiaza meciurile, se informeaza din cat mai multe surse, obligatoriu diferite dar nu se lasa influentat de nimeni.
6. Nu preia biletul zilei facut de altcineva pentru el.
6. Are rabdare sa-i apara ceva in catare chiar daca nu pariaza o perioada lunga de timp.
7. Nu pariaza pe tampenii care nu pot fi prezise nici de cei care participa direct la respectivul eveniment.
8. Intodeauna isi apreciaza sansele inainte si pariaza in consecinta. Stie ca nu exista eveniment 100% sigur.
9. Nu pariaza pe favoriti decat ocazional deoarece stie ca rareori va primi un pret corect. Deci nu include in biletul zilei personal meciuri cu favoriti.
10. Nu pariaza decat pe meciuri cu miza deoarece stie ca meciurile fara miza sunt o loterie.
11. Nu se sperie de cotele mari puse de bookies. Pentru el cotele sunt doar niste coeficienti cu care isi inmulteste miza sa calculeze posibilul castig.
12. Pariaza dupa ca are la indemana si informatii de ultima ora si pariaza numai dupa ce este convins ca nici una din datele problemei nu se poate schimba.
13. In nici un caz nu neglijeaza feeling-ul.Nu pariaza daca simte cea mai mica indoiala deoarece experienta acumulata ii permite ‘sa simta’ pericolul, dar nici nu pariaza numai ‘cu sufletul’ mai ales cand sunt implicate echipele preferate.
14. Are puterea sa nu se arunce in prapastie o data cu ‘turma’ si se mai gandeste odata inainte de a paria.
15. Nu pariaza castigul proaspat obtinut gandindu-se ca oricum nu sunt banii lui.
16. Nu pariaza mai mult imediat dupa un mare esec deoarece stie ca poate intra intr-o spirala spre dezastru. Este de principiul ?supravietuieste astazi ca sa poti lupta maine?
17. Inainte de a paria se gandeste cum se va simti fara miza pe care are de gand s-o parieze si daca se va simti bine pariaza daca ii vine cu lesin scade miza.
18. Foloseste un sistem de moneymanagement potrivit buzunarului lui.
19. Se hotaraste care sunt cotele “corecte” pentru acel meci si apoi alege cota care ofera valoare, sau, daca nu o gaseste, spune “pas”.
20. Nu pariaza niciodata presat de timp, aloca timp suficient studiului si pariurilor deoarece poate considera pariul un al doilea job, pe care il face din placere.
21. Biletul zilei este pregatit cu cel putin 2-3 zile inainte pentru a-si asigura timp de documentare si a-si maximiza sansele de castig combinat.

Application of the iphone gadgets

Application of the iphone gadgets
There are so many gadgets are available in market. Such as Cool gadgets, USB gadgets, spy gadgets, men gadgets, girl gadgets iPhone gadgets etc. Now I phone is very popular among all of us. Do you love this technology? If yes then know something about it. T
he screen of the iPhone is made up of glass. It is hard to scratch the screen but once you have got a scratch in the screen, you will never get it looking like new again. You can always use screen protectors to protect your iphone screen. The iPhone is a great gadget. There are so many applications available on it that can make your life so much easier. The application categories are: Calculate, Entertainment, Search Tools, Social Networking, Sports, Games, News, Productivity, Travel, Utilities, weather and so many. Let’s discuss some of the popular iPhone applications.
• Dictaphone Application There are many iPhone apps are available which replaces the Dictaphone requirement. This application provides you feature to select the quality recording and append new audio to existing recording and even add many notes to the recordings which are very helpful recording and interview. If you want to transfer the recordings then you can transfer via Wi-Fi to your Mac, any time you want
• Mobile Shopping Mobile shopping is one of the other applications developed by iPhone apps programmers. Now with this application you can shop more real things using your iPhone at the store.
• Gaming If you are a gaming enthusiast, iPhone applications is present there with its huge showcase of games. There are thousands of free and paid games for you to choose from. iPhone apps can be made a substitute to your gaming devices really.
• Dictionary & Thesaurus You can always find the meaning of any word on internet. Carrying this dictionary is obviously far better option than carrying a real paper. And it also provides you with synonyms word and its meanings even when there is no mobile signal!
• Camera and Photos iPhone works as a camera by the presence of this feature. You can take a picture by click and share it at a time using many photo-sharing sites. You can edit or change the photos if you want or choose to add a filter from various options available on the iPhones. • Music & Video This iphone application making for your entertainment. Due to this you do not need to carry the iPod separately along with you. It can play all the stored music and videos as well as those which are available on internet.
• GPS Logger GPS contains functionality in your iphone. This application helps in getting knowledge with an interactive map of the location which is needed by a user.

A Great Way to Save Money on iPhone Gaming

A Great Way to Save Money on iPhone Gaming
With the rise of users of Apple’s iPhone, more and more software developers are making really cool games for your mobile on the road. It is said that iphone gaming will rule over the world (of gaming at least), and software developers are responding to such calling. Plug in the iPhone and you are good to go, being on the road should will not be boring that is for sure.
It is one of the great ways to save money to be involved in this because you can still enjoy cool games and graphics with a portion of the cost as compared to other gaming platforms such as Sony and Nintendo. With being more practical with money nowadays a must, the iPhone gaming era is worth considering.
With all of the many game developers out there for the iPhone, you can get any game that tickles your fancy, from puzzles to rpg games and the list goes on. But if your the type of person who wants to have “bang for the buck” games on iPhone gaming without compromising the fun and excitement, here is a trick that you can do.
Independent software developers launching new exciting games and concepts are the thing to watch out. They opt to launch unique and new games that may bring the iPhone gaming era to a whole new level. Buying ot testing games from them will give you the first hand experience of what is it to come with the future of iPhone gaming.
The good thing about this is that when they launch, you can either have it for free as a tester or for a cheaper price than the iPhone app store, or many have many bonuses. But do not let the price fool you, it is cheap because they are in the launching stage, but may even be cooler and more exciting than more costly games out there.
Many people are doing this not only to save some money, but also to see the promise of the future of iPhone gaming, the independent developers.
Saving money and gaming often do not usually come along, but with the launch of many independent software developers out there such as Beteo Games (, this will definitely sell out. Do not be left behind on the future of gaming, with the with the promise of the future, you are sure to go for more iPhone gaming fun with a portion of the app store.

iPhone Spy Stick – How An iPhone Spy Stick Can Recover Deleted Data

iPhone Spy Stick – How An iPhone Spy Stick Can Recover Deleted Data
It might have happened in the past, or it’s bound to happen in the future — at some point you will accidentally delete an important text message from your iPhone.   When this happens, and you are franticly looking for a way to retrieve the data from your iPhone, what options do you have?
Are there really any “quick and easy” ways to recover text messages on an iPhone that were accidentally deleted?  The good news is that there is definitely a couple ways to easily retrieve deleted text messages from an iPhone.
An iPhone Spy Stick ( looks like an ordinary USB drive, but the way an  iPhone Spy Stick Data Recovery Tool works is you simply plug one end of the cables into the iPhone, then the other end into your PC.
Using the included software (of the iPhone Spy Stick), you’ll be able to immediately recover and read deleted text messages , recover deleted photos , call logs, and even GPS locations.
No need to jailbreak the iPhone.
Nothing to install directly on the iPhone.
Extremely easy to use.
Works “after” the data is deleted versus having to install something before the data is deleted.
Requires constant access to the iPhone.
Somewhat expensive considering the cost of option #2
The second option is to get your hands on  iPhone spy app that is often used to catch cheating spouses, monitor teens cell phone use and track employees. Even though this type of software is referred to as “spy” software, it’s fast become a popular way to back up your iPhone logs, thus helping you recover deleted data.
The main reason why this method is becoming a popular choice, is because there is no “syncing” or manual back up tasks to remember to do. Your iPhone data (text messages, call history, etc.) are automatically backed up every single day. This means if you ever  accidentally delete  a text message, and then need to quickly recover it, all you have to do is log onto your account and then in just a few clicks, you’ll have full contents of every message that was either sent or received from your iPhone.
In summary , iPhone spy software is essentially a real time personal back up solution that requires absolutely ZERO work on your part. Everything is done for you.  The ONLY thing you NEED to remember, is that you must install the iPhone spy app software BEFORE any messages that you want to retrieve are deleted.
Works exactly as advertised.
More affordable than an iPhone Spy Stick.
Entire text message history is retrieved, not just recent ones.
No further access to the iPhone is required once the app is installed.
Installation takes time, especially for anyone who isn’t comfortable installing cell phone apps.
You must install spy phone software BEFORE any messages are deleted that you want to retrieve.
Requires a data connection such as 3G or Edge.
Requires that you jailbreak the iPhone.
In summary, if you’ve accidentally deleted an important text, don’t worry because now you know a couple different ways on how to recover deleted text messages from any iPhone.
For more detailed information on how to recover deleted text messages from an iPhone, check out this FREE spy phone software resource site.

Free Iphone Games: Bubble Ball

Published by: Nay Games
Price: FREE!
Current Version: 1.0
Released: 2010-12-29
Category: Games :: Strategy

App Description

Try this fun, new physics puzzle game, where you will test your ingenuity and thinking skills to get the bubble to the goal. Use the pieces and powerups provided, and come up with creative solutions!
There are two types of pieces, wood and metal. Wood pieces are affected by gravity when you hit Start, while metal ones stay where you placed them. Use powerups to give the bubble speed boosts and even reverse gravity! Don’t like the blue bubble? Make it a different color! Don’t want to start at the beginning?
You can skip around to your liking and jump right into the 21 exciting levels. A great game to test your logical thinking skills, and to play whenever you’re bored!

More iPhone Games known, but App Store to Face Piracy?

More iPhone Games known, but App Store to Face Piracy?
With the Apple’s advancement in their technology in the iPhone and iTouch, more and more people are getting hooked to having it the gadget to go. With the great graphics and multi-touch sensitivity, more games are being made by both individuals and independent software developers such as Beteo Games ( and more on the rise.
The easy access to a software development tool, and affordable registration to the app store has somewhat opened Apple’s doors to game producers to make more money by delivering it directly to customers. With the more costly production cost of the Nintendo DS and PSP, it is almost an instinct to make the move to producing iPhone Games.
Creativity is the promise of independent software developers, and fresh blood can pour in into the iPhone and iTouch, producing games for every age and taste.
But as more and more games are produced, so is the idea born of getting free games, or another term for piracy, such as what happened to the PC Gaming world. Many gaming platforms are already facing this dilemma, but could iPhone be next?
Word is spreading out that you can get any iPhone app for free, as to the app store has not given any sort of protection to the host that produces this games. But is it worth it? Is iphone gaming in peril?
If you are a software developer, then you should really think about this issue because you might face the problem of piracy, all those effort to make great games might be in vain. Popular gaming consoles have different layers of protection, making them a great consideration for any producer.
If you are a game aficionado who likes to steal games, I tell you it is not worth it. iPhone apps are selling very cheap, cheaper than PC or other handheld gaming consoles, so spending a little on can make you show your appreciation to the producers to their effort of producing such quality games, or you may not experience any great games anymore at all in the future.